In the Feminine

Here are a selection of original one off pieces from my series 'In the Feminine'. 'Delicate, soft, sexual, sensual, strong and resilient'. The marks, strokes, colours and images depict the various qualities I as a women have had to, discover, embody, become, accept and stand up for, for and against, in the wake of what society dictates. Not living by societies constraints. This has consciously and unconsciously manifested itself into my work.

For any enquiries please contact

Female Dispersion

96.5 W x 96.5 H

Paper on wood


63.5 W x 63.5 H

Acrylic on wood


63.5 W x 63.5 H

Acrylic on wood


30.5 W x 30.5 H

Acrylic on wood

Spermicidal Tides

25.4 W x 30.5 H

Oil on wood